27 February 2014


IPANEMA  (part 1)

is the RIO DISTRICT that beside Copacabana-Leme
 summarizes the best Rio de Janeiro has to offer.

There's a legendary beach, a bustling nightlife, restaurants to write home about, the most sophisticated street shopping in town, cultural centers, museums etc.

Better yet, everything is in a walking distance, and it's easy to find your way around. 

Streets are lined up in a grid, and you have the beach and Lagoa as your references. 

If you had only one day in Rio, and you want to experience the city like a local instead of a tourist, this is the place you would be heading to.

Ipanema has played an important cultural role in the city since its early days. 
There are major art galleries, universities, several schools, avant-garde 

theaters, movie theaters and internet-cafes. 

Do not be surprised to discover a cozy coffee shop with a web connection inside a bookshop or clothing store.
Fitness is also a big thing. Expect to run into juice shops every other block. People going into and coming out of the many state-of-the-art gyms. Activities offered sometimes include "capoeira", You could well walk in and give it a shot.  Keep your sunglasses on to better watch the sun-kissed girls and boys of Ipanema go by.

                                               When the sun sets, the fun does not end. 

With an assortment of cafes, bars, and clubs there's always something happening at night. 
Stroll around N.S. da Paz square through sub districts  "Baixo Farme" and "Baixo Quiteria". 
Watch a live music performance, crash a circuit party, sip a beer or fresh coconut under the stars at a beach kiosk.  

Gays and lesbians have their own beach spot enjoying venues and clubs 
on Rua Teixeira de Melo, Rua Farme de Amoedo and surroundings.

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